Bioassay of Larvicidal Efficacy of Selected Plant Extracts Against Mosquito Larvae Anopheles Culicifacies and Aedes Aegypti L.
Bioassay of Larvicidal Efficacy of Selected Plant Extracts Against Mosquito Larvae Anopheles Culicifacies and Aedes Aegypti L.
1 Uma Dutta* and 2Sonali Dey
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences
Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.42A, No.1,
January-June 2023: P.170-189
DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.42A.1.16
Original Research Article
Bioassay of Larvicidal Efficacy of Selected Plant Extracts Against Mosquito Larvae Anopheles Culicifacies and Aedes Aegypti L.
1 Uma Dutta* and 2Sonali Dey
Author’s Affiliation:
1Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam 781001, India 2PhD Research Scholar, Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam 781001, India
*Corresponding author:
Dr. Uma Dutta, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam 781001, India E-mail:,
Article Info:
Received on 12.03.2023 Revised on 19.05.2023 Approved on 22.04.2023 Accepted on 31.05.2023 Published on 16.06.2023