Quantitative Analysis of Plankton in the Paddy Fields of Kakching District, Manipur


1Th. Rajen Singh*, 2Dr. N. Mohendra Singh, 3Dr. Kh. Rajmani Singh and 4Dr. S. Sharatkumar Singh

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences                              

Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.42A, No.2, 

July-December 2023: P.242-251



1Th. Rajen Singh*, 2Dr. N. Mohendra Singh, 3Dr. Kh. Rajmani Singh and 4Dr. S. Sharatkumar Singh

Author’s Affiliation:

1Department of Zoology, Moirang College, Moirang, Ithing, Manipur 795133, India

2Department of Zoology, D.M. College of Science, D.M. University, Dewlahland, Imphal, Manipur 795001, India

3Department of Zoology, D.M. College of Science, D.M. University, Dewlahland, Imphal, Manipur 795001, India

4Department of Zoology, Thoubal College, Thoubal, Manipur 795138, India



*Corresponding author:

Th. Rajen Singh,

Department of Zoology, Moirang College, Moirang, Manipur – 795133, India

E-mail: rajenth63@gmail.com



Article Info:

Received on 23.05.2023

Revised on 28.07.2023

Approved on 07.10.2023

Accepted on 19.10.2023

Published on 20.12.2023

The Plankton analysis along with physico-chemical characteristics of water was carried out on the four sampling sites in the paddy fields of Kakching District. Temperature, transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, chloride, total alkalinity, acidity, hardness, nitrate and nitrite etc. were analysed and observed in favour on plankton in the paddy fields of the study areas. Phytoplankton recorded as increase during rainy season while decrease in zooplankton during the last part of October. Total 870 plankton, comprising 627 phytoplankton and 243 zooplankton were listed during the investigation period, July to October 2021.     Keywords: Biological, Physico-Chemical, Plankton, Kakching