Plant and Animal Cell Systems in Cancer Biology


Rishan Singh*

Bio-Science Research Bulletin

Volume 38, Number 2

July-December 2022: P.113-115

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3161.2022.00016.5

Short Communication



Plant and Animal Cell Systems in Cancer Biology

Rishan Singh*

Author’s Affiliation:

UKZN / DUT; The Association for Commonwealth Universities, UK & UNESCO

 *Corresponding Author:

Rishan Singh

UKZN / DUT; The Association for Commonwealth Universities, UK & UNESCO


How to cite this article: Singh R. (2022). Plant and Animal Cell Systems in Cancer Biology. Bio-Science Research Bulletin, 38(2), 113-115.

Received on 20.07.2022

Revised on 12.10.2022

Accepted on 31.10.2022

Published on 15.12.2022

Cancer biology is a broad area of study, and a lot of emphasis has been placed on drug design. The development of functional drug compounds relies on the outcome of cell responsive studies that involve animal cells, the cancer, as well as, compounds from plants. The variability in the response of cancer to plant compounds is important in order to understand the mechanisms involved in cancer metastasis and progression in animal hosts. This theme will form the basis of this contribution.   KEYWORDS: Tea, Fruits, Cocoa, Polyphenols, Caffeic acid, Tumeric, Naturally-derived compounds, G2 / M.