Strong Correlation Effects and Localization in Metallic Systems


Amita Sharma*

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science

Physics, Vol.41D No.2,

July-December 2022 P.65-69

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3218.2022.00013.6

Original Research Article



Strong Correlation Effects and Localization in Metallic Systems

Amita Sharma*

Author’s Affiliations:

Department of Physics, R. D. S. College, Muzaffarpur, B.R.A.B.U., Muzaffarpur, Bihar 842001, India.

*Corresponding author:

Amita Sharma

Department of Physics, R. D. S. College, Muzaffarpur, B.R.A.B.U., Muzaffarpur, Bihar 842001, India.


How to cite this article: Sharma A.  (2022). Strong Correlation Effects and Localization in Metallic Systems. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Physics, 41D (2), 65-69.

Received on 28.04.2022

Revised on 21.09.2022

Accepted on 29.10.2022

Published on 15.12.2022

We have studied strong correlation effects and localization in metallic systems. Strong correlation effects and localization occurred in metallic systems due to strong electron-electron interactions and strong electron phonon coupling. Strong electron-phonon interactions have been found in such materials as cuprates, fullerides and manganites. The interplay of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in these correlated systems leaded to coexistence of or competition between various phases such as super conductivity, charge-density-wave or spin–density wave phases or formation of novel non Fermi liquid phases, polarons, bipolarons and so on. We have considered Holstein-Hubbard model for our work. The Holstein-Hubbard model provides on over simplified description of both electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, it retains to be the relevant ingredients of a system in which electrons experience simultaneously an instantaneous short range repulsion and a phonon-mediated retarded attraction. In spite of its formal simplicity, it is not exactly solvable even in one dimension. So quantum simulators of Fermi-Hubbard modes based on either fermionic atoms inoptical lattice or electrons in artificial quantum dot crystals have been used. In our work a classical analog simulator was theoretically proposed for the two site Holstein-Hubbard model based on light transport in engineered waveguide lattices, which is capable of reproducing the temporal dynamics of the quantum model in Fock space as spatial evolution in photonic lattice. We have found that in the strong correlation regime the periodic temporal dynamics exhibited by the Holstein-Hubbard Hamiltonian, related to the excitation Holstein polarons has been explained in terms of generalized Bloch oscillations of a single particle in a semi-infinite inhomogeneous tight binding lattice. Light transport in two dimensional photonic lattices simulated in Fock space the hopping dynamics of two correlated electrons on a one dimensional lattice and exploited to visualize such phenomena as correlated tunneling of bond electron-electron molecules and their coherent motion under the action of d.c. or a.c. fields. The obtained results were found in good agreement with previous results. KEYWORDS: Strong Correlation, Localization, Electron-Electron Interaction, Electron-Phonon Coupling, Fermi Liquid, Polaron, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Dot, Photonic Lattice, Fock Space, Tunneling.