Antimagic Labeling of Pumpkin Graph


1Jeba Jesintha J.*, 2Vinodhini N.K., 3Benazir Fathima S.

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Section – E – Mathematics & Statistics

Vol. 41E, No.2, July-December 2022.P.156-158

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3226.2022.00021.2

Original Article



Antimagic Labeling of Pumpkin Graph

1Jeba Jesintha J.*, 2Vinodhini N.K., 3Benazir Fathima S.

Author’s Affiliation:

1,3PG Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600006, India.

2Department of Mathematics, Anna Adarsh College for Women, University of Madras, Chennai, India.

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*Corresponding Author: Jeba Jesintha J, PG Department of Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600006, India.


How to cite this article: Jeba Jesintha J., Vinodhini N.K., Benazir Fathima S. (2022). Antimagic Labeling of Pumpkin Graph. Bull. Pure Appl. Sci. Sect. E Math. Stat. 41E(2), 156-158.

Received on 12.08.2022/ Revised on 15.11.2022/ Accepted on 29.11.2022

Online First Published on Dec 15, 2022 at

A graph with  edges is called antimagic if its edges can be labeled with  without repetition such that the sums of the labels of the edges incident to each vertex are distinct. A graph which admits an antimagic labeling is called an antimagic graph. In this paper, we prove that the Pumpkin graph admit antimagic labeling. KEYWORDS: Antimagic labeling, Pumpkin Graph. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C78