A Groundwater Quality Assessment for Irrigation in Katthiwada Area, Alirajpur District, Madhya Pradesh


1Premlata Mandloi and 2Pankaj Barbele*

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences.

Geology (Geological Science), Vol.42F, No.1,

January-June 2023: P.46-53

Original Article

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.42F.1.5



A Groundwater Quality Assessment for Irrigation in Katthiwada Area, Alirajpur District, Madhya Pradesh

1Premlata Mandloi and 2Pankaj Barbele*

Author’s Affiliations:

1 Department of Geology, Government Model College, Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh 457661, India.

E-mail: premlata0026@gmail.com

2 45/2 Fazal pura Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.

E-mail: barbelepankaj@gmail.com


*Corresponding Author: Pankaj Barbele, 45/2 Fazal pura Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.

E-mail: barbelepankaj@gmail.com

(Received on 20.11.2022, Revised on 26.12.2022, Approved on 30.01.2023, Accepted on 11.02.2023, Published on 15.06.2023)

How to cite this article: Mandloi P. and Barbele P. (2023). A Groundwater Quality Assessment for Irrigation in Katthiwada Area, Alirajpur District, Madhya Pradesh. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Geology, 42F(1), 46-53.

An elaborate account of groundwater quality estimation for irrigation in Katthiwada area Alirajpur district Madhya Pradesh is presented in this paper. The selected 20 groundwater samples from open-dug wells have been subjected to chemical analysis by standard techniques of graphic representation in tabular form. The analysis of dug wells samples for determination of Physico-chemical parameters indicates that all groundwater samples are colourless, odourless, and tasteless with pH (7.0 -8.7), Electrical conductivity (238-1555), Total dissolved solids (450 -1180) mg/l. The chemical parameters involve the determination of the ionic concentration of cations - Calcium ( 0.89 to 3.04 mg/l ), Magnesium (0.49 to 3.12 mg/l ), potassium ( 0.01 to 0.13 mg/l ) and sodium ( 0.95 to 10.35 mg/l ) and anion - nitrate ( 0.56 to 1.45), Hco3  (1.19 to 3.85 mg/l), chloride ( 0.31 to 5.10 ) and sulphate ( 0.02 to 2.68 mg/l ). The quality of groundwater for irrigational purposes depends on different chemical parameters such as sodium persent; Kelley’s Ratio, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, Residual Sodium Carbonate, and Magnesium-Hazard. U. S. Salinity diagram shows that 19 samples belong to the C2 S1 type (medium salinity – low sodium water), 1 sample represents to C3 S1 type (high salinity – low sodium water) and 1 sample falls into C3 S2. Wilcox diagram shows that 16 samples of the groundwater fall under the excellent to good category, and 4 samples represent the good to permissible categories. The groundwater of the Katthiwada area is suitable for irrigation use.   Keywords: Chemical Quality, Groundwater, Irrigation, Katthiwada, Madhya Pradesh.