Academic Library: A Managerial Review


1John Gibson Ogonu and 2Comfort N. Owate*

Library Progress International

Vol.43, No.2, July-December 2023: P.278-289

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.43.2.15


Review Article


1John Gibson Ogonu and 2Comfort N. Owate*

Author’s Affiliation:

1Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Education, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


2Department of Library and Information science, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria



*Corresponding Author: Comfort N. Owate, Department of Library and Information science, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria



(Received on 21.04.2023, Revised on 15.06.2023, Approved on 09.07.2023, Accepted on 02.09.2023, Published on 15.12.2023)

This paper Academic Library: A Managerial Review explores management of academic libraries. The paper looks at academic library as an information center established in tertiary institution to support the mission of their parent institutions, which has to do with teaching, learning and research with the available information resources. The paper further defines academic library management as an efficient utilization of library resources to achieve the organizations objective and also as a process of getting things done through an individual, a group or people, to accomplish set targets. The paper looks at an academic library management and states that the extent, to which the academic library is able to perform effectively, depends so much on its managerial competence. This paper discusses also the origin of academic library, library management in terms of its functions such as staffing, organizational structure, funding, collection development and challenges among others. The paper concludes with recommendations that funding library, training of library staff, and equipping the organization with modern facilities with the managerial competence of librarian will help for smooth functioning of library.   KEYWORDS: Library Management, Academic Library, Libraries