Band Structure and Spatial Localization of Electrons in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons


1Aradhna Mishra*, 2Jay Prakash Yadav, 3Ashok Kumar

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science

Physics, Vol.41D No.2,

July-December 2022 P.81-85

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3218.2022.00015.X

Original Research Article



Band Structure and Spatial Localization of Electrons in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons

1Aradhna Mishra*, 2Jay Prakash Yadav, 3Ashok Kumar

Author’s Affiliations:

1Research Scholar, University Department of Physics, B.N. Mandal University, Madhepura,  North Campus, Singheshwar, Bihar 852128, India.


2Saharsha College of Engineering, Saharsa, Bihar 852201, India.


3University Department of Physics, B.N. Mandal University, Madhepura, North Campus, Singheshwar, Bihar 852128, India.


*Corresponding author:

Aradhna Mishra

Research Scholar, University Department of Physics, B.N. Mandal University, Madhepura, North Campus, Singheshwar, Bihar 852128, India.


How to cite this article: Mishra A., Yadav J.P., Kumar A. (2022). Band Structure and Spatial Localization of Electrons in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Physics, 41D (2), 81-85.

Received on 28.07.2022

Revised on 30.09.2022

Accepted on 30.10.2022

Published on 15.12.2022

We have studied the band structure, density of states and spatial localization of electron in twisted bilayer nanoribbons by means of tight binding calculation.  In Chiral geometries, edge states are also related to the presence of zig-zag edge atoms, although they presented remarkable size effects. Physical properties of chiral graphene nanoribbons and general edges can have a stong dependence on chirality. We have analysed the properties of edge states in twisted bilayaer ribbons, explaining their energy dispersion and spatial localization. The different splittings were found in edge bands due to the inhomogeneous interplay coupling. For stacked zig-zag atoms the coupling was larger than corresponding edge states splitted apart, but edge states stemming from regions with stacking, where the interlayer coupling was smaller and gave rise to zero energy bands. We have also been found that in the edge regions where top and bottom zig-zag terminations were stacked, inter-ribbon tunneling between the dispersions less zero energy states created bonding and antibonding combination with energies away from the energy of the Dirac point. The obtained results were found in good agreement with previously obtained results. KEYWORDS: Band Structure, Saptial localization, twisted bilayer, nanoribbon, chiral graphene, energy dispersion, splitting edge band, Dirac Point.