Biology and Life Cycle of Candaharia levanderi (Simroth, 1901)


Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.41A, No.2, 

July-December 2022: P.262-266

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3188.2022.00032.8

Article Info:

Original Research Article

Received on 08.06.2022

Revised on 27.10.2022

Accepted on 29.11.2022

Published on 15.12.2022



Biology and Life Cycle of Candaharia levanderi (Simroth, 1901)

 Ruzikulova N.A.*

Author’s Affiliation:

Department of Natural Sciences, Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute, st. Spitamen Shoh, 66, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

*Corresponding author:

Ruzikulova N.A.

Department of Natural Sciences, Uzbek-Finnish Pedagogical Institute, st. Spitamen Shoh, 66, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.


How to cite this article: Ruzikulova N.A.  (2022). Biology and Life Cycle of Candaharia levanderi (Simroth, 1901). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Zoology, 41A (2), 262-266.

The article presents data on the biology and life cycle of Candaharia levanderi (Simroth, 1901) in laboratory and natural conditions. Candaharia levanderi belongs to the family Parmacellidae, common species in Uzbekistan. Lives for a year. On the plains in the first decade of March, it wakes up from hibernation and until mid-April, intensively feeding, prepares for reproduction. After laying eggs, the slugs die. Slugs hatched from eggs go into summer diapause. The life cycle of Candaharia levanderi consists of 4 stages: infantile, juvenile, adult and senile. Candaharia levanderi - a harmful species, the main harmfulness is high in spring. It is one of the main pests of cultivated and ornamental plants.   Keywords: Biology, Reproduction, Egg, Cycle, Infantile, Juvenile, Adult, Senile (Blue), Cultivated Plants, Ornamental Plants.