Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-B-Botany 2022


eISSN: 2320-3196
pISSN: 0970-4612
Impact Factor: 6.996 (Cosmos)
DOI: 10.5958/2320-3196
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. M.U. Charaya (Rtd),

Categories: ,


Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-B-Botany is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Botany. It is a well indexed scientific journal dedicated to publish high quality original research in the field of plant sciences. Scope of the journal includes: Cell and molecular biology, ecology, conservation biology and biodiversity, mycology and plant pathology, phycology, physiology and biochemistry, structure and development, systematics, phytogeography and paleobotany. ecology (ecosystematics, ecophysiology), taxonomy (chemotaxonomy), plant morpho anatomy palynology, paleopalynology plant diversity & evolution. It provides a forum for comments by publishing original research contributions, scientific survey, case studies, book review and letter to the Editor-in-Chief. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-B-Botany is issued six monthly, i.e. June and December of every year. The Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor/Editorial Board etc. assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors. The editorial staff in its work of examining papers, received for possible publication is assisted, in an honorary capacity, by a large number of distinguished scientists working in various parts of the world. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-B-Botany is copy-righted. Manuscripts published in the Bulletin should not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief.