Cultural Advantage as a Resistance from Hyperglobalization


Year : 2022,
Volume & Issue : BIO SCI 38(1), JAN-JUN 2022
Page No. : 54-59,
Article Type : Original Aticle
Article DOI : 10.5958/2320-3161.2022.00007.4 (Received on 25.02.2022 Revised on 21.03.2022 Accepted on 15.05.2022)



1,2Victor Christianto*
Author’s Affiliation : 1Ekklesia Advanced School of Theology, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2Malang Institute of Agriculture, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author : Victor Christianto Ekklesia Advanced School of Theology, Jakarta, Indonesia. ,

Despite the economics jargon on ‘rational choice’, nowadays the entire world has nothing else to choose except to succumb under the spell of magic words of modern economics, i.e. ‘neoliberalism’, ‘financial liberalization’, ‘free market’ (laissez-faire), and ‘globalization’. All of these can be shown to be part of a preconception, called “utility maximization” (cf. Milton Friedmann), i.e. far beyond the ‘neutral’ idea of natural sciences. In Fritjof Capra’s book ‘Turning Point’ (Bantam Books, 1982) these phenomena are summarized as follows: economics thinking have started by assuming that in economics sciences one can achieve the same generality and universality that physicists enjoy in doing Natural Sciences. In other words, economists try through their work to become ‘hard science’ rather than recognizing that in economics the subject of their study is human/people which is far from being predictable, either as individual or as society. As an alternative path way and in accordance with Edward Said’s “Culture and Imperialism”, it has become more obvious that culture is a vehicle of imperialism all over the world through globalization. In this paper, this writer argues that the term of Cultural Advantage which I and Prof. Florentin Smarandache coined back then 2008, can be a postcolonial resistance, i.e. a method which can be used by developing and under-developing countries (especially in Asia) to resist the globalization of culture brought by the First World Countries. In this paper, this writer will discuss why Postcolonialism study matters.
How to cite this article: Christianto V. (2022). Cultural Advantage as a Resistance from Hyperglobalization. Bio-Science Research Bulletin, 38(1), 54-59.
Keywords Culture and Imperialism, Cultural Advantage, Cultural Resistance, Beyond Competitive Advantage.