Evolutionary Effect of Fuzzy Logic in the Healthcare Domain


Evolutionary Effect of Fuzzy Logic in the Healthcare Domain

1Ranjan Kumar Jati, 2Satyabrat Kar*, and 3Nirmal Chandra Sahu

Bio-Science Research Bulletin

Volume 39, Number 1

January-June 2023: P.22-27

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.39.1.4

Original Research Article


Evolutionary Effect of Fuzzy Logic in the Healthcare Domain

1Ranjan Kumar Jati, 2Satyabrat Kar*, and 3Nirmal Chandra Sahu

Author’s Affiliation:

1,2,3Dept. of Mathematics, DRIEMS, Auto. Engineering College, Tangi, Cuttack, Odisha754022, India


*Corresponding Author:

Satyabrat Kar

Dept. of Mathematics, DRIEMS, Auto. Engineering College, Tangi, Cuttack, Odisha754022, India

E-mail: satyabratkr@gmail.com


Received on 20.12.2022

Revised on 23.03.2023

Approved on 03.05.2023

Accepted on 18.05.2023

Published on 19.06.2023

ABSTRACT Fuzzy logic plays an essential role in human life. It has been used in various fields such as facial pattern recognition, air conditioners, washing machines, vacuum cleaners etc.   The main objective of this paper is to reveal the development of fuzzy logic-based system to improve the quality and reliability of medical diagnosis. Also deals with monitoring and modeling of the visual Prolog Programming were used to create the proposed medical diagnostic system. This article examines the evolution of fuzzy logic's application in the domain of healthcare.    KEYWORDS: Logic, Fuzzy controllers, Fuzzifier, Membership function, Health Care, Fuzzy inference system (FIS), Fuzzy expert systems (FES).