Geomorphometric Analysis of Sub Watersheds from Panjhara River Basin in Dhule Taluka, District Dhule, Maharashtra (India) using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques


1Yogesh Patil, 2Satish More, 3Mukund Baride, 4Arati Baride, 5Samadhan Patil, 6Rushikesh Golekar*

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences.

Geology (Geological Science), Vol.41F, No.2,

July-December  2022: P.258-282

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3234.2022.00021.X

Original Article



Geomorphometric Analysis of Sub Watersheds from Panjhara River Basin in Dhule Taluka, District Dhule, Maharashtra (India) using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques

1Yogesh Patil, 2Satish More, 3Mukund Baride, 4Arati Baride, 5Samadhan Patil, 6Rushikesh Golekar*

Author’s Affiliations:

1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Department of Geology, Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule, Maharashtra 424002, India

6 Department of Geology, G. B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Arts and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India.

*Corresponding Author: Rushikesh Baburao Golekar, Department of Geology, Khare Dhere Bhosale College, Guhagar, District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India


(Received on 05.08.2022, Revised on  05.11.2022, Accepted on 30.11.2022, Published on 15.12.2022)

How to cite this article: Patil Y., More S., Baride M., Baride A., Patil S. and Golekar R.  (2022). Geomorphometric Analysis of Sub Watersheds from Panjhara River Basin in Dhule Taluka, District Dhule, Maharashtra (India) using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Geology, 41F(2), 258-282.

Groundwater is main source for drinking and irrigation, in year mostly the one third months are depends on groundwater. The study area is belongs to drought prone area.  Geomorphometric analysis of Panjhara river basin in Dhule taluka is carried out to hydrogeological point of view. GIS and Remote sensing techniques are used to stream network analysis like, stream ordering, stream length is done. Study area is divided in to seven watershed names as TE-89, TE-77 and TE-65 are at left side of basin whereas TE-91A, TE-78, TE-66 and TE-56 are at right side of basin. The watershed names are given by GSDA (GSDA 2014).  The Panjhara basin is 6th order basin which having 4170 number of stream segments having total length is 3425.77 km2. Total area of the basin is 1288.43 km2 and basin perimeter is 207.93 km.  The length area relation is 6.2087 × A0.4654 and regression constant is 0.7894. As elongation ratio is concern most of watersheds show elongated in nature except TE-90 is oval and TE-65 is circular in nature.  Only TE-65 is circular and all are slightly elongated as form factor is concerns.  This is due to most of the linear trend lines or fractures are East-West direction in study area, except TE-65 watershed.  Drainage Texture of area is moderate to very fine category, where as stream frequency is low due to impermeable lithology, drainage density is high in all watersheds due to presence of lineament in basaltic terrain and intrusion of dykes.  Keywords: Watershed, Morphometry, Deccan Volcanic Province, Panjhara River Sub-basin, Tapi Bain.