Groundwater Quality Assessment from a Hard Rock Terrain Kundalika River Basin, Beed District, Maharashtra, India


Groundwater Quality Assessment from a Hard Rock Terrain Kundalika River Basin, Beed District, Maharashtra, India


1S.M. Deshpande, 2A.S. Bhosale* and 3R.K. Aher

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Geology (Geological Science), Vol.42F, No.2,

July-December 2023: P.246-265

Original Research Article


Groundwater Quality Assessment from a Hard Rock Terrain Kundalika River Basin, Beed District, Maharashtra, India


1S.M. Deshpande, 2A.S. Bhosale* and 3R.K. Aher

Author’s Affiliations:

1-3Post Graduate Department of Geology, Government Institute of Science, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Maharashtra 431004, India.


*Corresponding Author: A.S. Bhosale, Post Graduate Department of Geology, Government Institute of Science, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad), Maharashtra 431004, India.



(Received on 28.07.2023, Revised on 13.10.2023, Approved on 02.11.2023, Accepted on 29.11.2023, Published on 15.12.2023)



In the study area, the primary source of water is groundwater for the drinking and irrigation purpose. For the assessment of groundwater quality results of 48 groundwater samples in post& pre monsoon season for the year 2021 & 2022 were carried out from Kundalika River basin Beed District, Maharashtra. The pH values of groundwater reveal that slightly alkaline in nature. The electric conductivity varies from 290 to 2640 µS/cm; the total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride measured. Most of TDS values of groundwater samples less 1000 mg/l indicate suitable for drinking and irrigation purpose. In the piper trilinear diagram, it is observed that 80% groundwater samples in post monsoon season 2021 and  pre monsoon  season 2022 fall in the Ca-HCO3 region and remaining 20 % groundwater samples of both season falls in mixed type such as Ca-Na-HCO3 region. According to Wilcox’s diagram all groundwater samples are good for irrigation purpose except 2 % samples of post monsoon season 2021 and pre monsoon season 2022 are doubtful to unsuitable area for irrigation use. Various water quality indices like: EC, SAR, SSP, RSC, MAR and KR shows that most water samples are suitable for irrigation uses. U. S. Salinity Laboratory Diagram shows that all the groundwater samples belongs to C2-S1,C3-S1,C3-S1 and C3-S2 category suggesting a medium to high salinity and alkalinity; this can be good for irrigation purpose, with few exceptions under specific conditions.

  Keywords: Groundwater Quality, Hydro-geochemistry, Drinking water, Irrigation Suitability, Kundalika River Basin, Beed District, Maharashtra.