Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Groundwater Influenced by Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifer of Guhagar, Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra (India)
Year : 2022,
Volume & Issue : BPAS-Geology 41F(1), JAN-JUN 2022
Page No. : 51-69,
Article Type : Original Aticle
Article DOI : 10.5958/2320-3234.2022.00006.3 (Received on 20.12.2021, Revised on 30.04.2022, Accepted on 16.05.2022)
Milan Chandrakant Niwate1, Anil Shashikant Hiragond2, Pranaya Rameshwar Diwate3 and *Rushikesh Baburao Golekar4
Author’s Affiliation : 1Department of Zoology, Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Paral, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012, India. 2Department of Chemistry, G. B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Arts and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India. 3Centre for Climate Change and Water Research, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017, India. 4Department of Geology, G. B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Arts and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India.
Corresponding Author : Rushikesh Baburao Golekar, Department of Geology, G. B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Arts and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India.,