Morphometric Epididymis Postnatal Development of White Rabbit Bucks Population in Algeria
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences
Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.41A, No.2,
July-December 2022: P.267-276
DOI: 10.5958/2320-3188.2022.00037.7
Article Info:
Original Research Article
Received on 08.07.2022
Revised on 20.11.2022
Accepted on 30.11.2022
Published on 15.12.2022
Morphometric Epididymis Postnatal Development of White Rabbit Bucks Population in Algeria
1Lakabi Lynda*, 2Menad Rafik, 3Medjdoub-Bensaad Ferroudja
Author’s Affiliation:
1,3Laboratory of production, safeguarding threatened species and crops Influence of climatic variations, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological and Agronomic Sciences. Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou15 000; Algeria.
2Laboratory Research on Dry Zones, Faculty of Biology, University Algers 1, 16 000, Algeria.
*Corresponding author:
Lakabi Lynda
Laboratory of production, safeguarding threatened species and crops Influence of climatic variations, Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological and Agronomic Sciences. Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou15 000; Algeria.
How to cite this article: Lakabi L., Menad R., Medjdoub-Bensaad F. (2022). Morphometric Epididymis Postnatal Development of White Rabbit Bucks Population in Algeria. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Zoology, 41A (2), 267-276.