Plankton Diversity, Abundance and their Variation in BarbilaBeel, Nalbari, Assam, India


Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.41A, No.2, 

July-December 2022: P.234-248

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3188.2022.00030.4

Article Info:

Original Research Article

Received on 13.05.2022

Revised on  01.09.2022

Accepted on 18.10.202

Published on 15.12.2022



Plankton Diversity, Abundance and their Variation in BarbilaBeel, Nalbari, Assam, India

 1Kamala Deka*, 2Tarali Kalita, 3Bulbul Acharjee, 4Rezina Ahmed

Author’s Affiliation:

1,3 Department of Zoology, University of Science and Technology, Baridua, Meghalaya 793101, India

2,4 Department of Zoology, Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam 781001, India

*Corresponding author:

Kamala Deka

Department of Zoology, University of Science and Technology, Baridua, Meghalaya 793101, India


How to cite this article: Deka K., Kalita T., Acharjee B., Ahmed R.  (2022). Plankton Diversity, Abundance and their Variation in BarbilaBeel, Nalbari, Assam, India. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Zoology, 41A (2), 234-248.

The paper deals with the documentation of plankton diversity Barbilabeel and their seasonal variation in three consecutive years from 2017 to 2020. We recorded 53 forms of phytoplankton belonging to five classes – Cyanophyceae (15 species), Chlorophyceae (14 species), Bacillariophyceae (20 species), Euglenophyceae (3 species) and Dinophyceae (1 species). On the other hand, 38 forms of Zooplankton were identified belonging to four different groups- Rotifer (17 species), Protozoa (06 species), Cladocera (07 species) and Copepods (08 species). Plankton diversity showed statistically significant site wise as well as seasonal variations during the study period. Rich diversity of plankton in Barbilabeel indicates the well physic-chemical behavior of soil and water of the beel. As some of the anthropogenic threats are introduced in last few years, care should be taken for sustainable development of the beel.   Keywords: Beel, Plankton, Diversity, Conservation