Some New Results on Commutative Algebra


Year : 2022,
Volume & Issue : BPAS-Maths & Stat 41E(1), JAN-JUN 2022
Page No. : 1-5,
Article Type : Original Aticle
Article DOI : 10.5958/2320-3226.2022.00001.7 (Received on 12.01.2021/ Revised on 12.03.2021/ Accepted on 21.03.2021 Online First Published on June 15, 2022 at



Dr. Abhik Singh*
Author’s Affiliation : Department of Mathematics, Patna University, Patna, Bihar- 800005, India

Corresponding Author : Dr. Abhik Singh, Department of Mathematics, Patna University, Patna, Bihar- 800005, India,

In this paper, we shall discuss and give applications of a polarization formula, which yields estimates of when estimates of are given, and estimates of the polarized forms of the terms of the Taylor expansion of a bounded holomorphic function over a bell in Banach space. The polarization formula can be used to obtain new properties of commutative algebras, with a convex topology or a convex bounded structure. The polarization formula will be proved in the first section,a few application will be given in section 2,3,4 in which we obtain estimates of from estimates of . We shall also define the infinite dimensional holomorphic functional calculus. How to cite this article: Singh A. (2022). Some New Results on Commutative Algebra. Bull. Pure Appl. Sci. Sect. E Math. Stat. 41E(1), 1-5. Keywords Polarization, Convex Algebra, Equiregular.