The Population Variability of the Reproductive Tract of Land Mollusks Pseudonapaeus albiplicatus (Gastropoda, Enidae) of the Zarafshan Ridge
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences
Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.41A, No.2,
July-December 2022: P.211-215
DOI: 10.5958/2320-3188.2022.00026.2
Article Info:
Original Research Article
Received on 10.04.2022
Revised on 10.06.2022
Accepted on 05.09.202
Published on 15.12.2022
The Population Variability of the Reproductive Tract of Land Mollusks Pseudonapaeus albiplicatus (Gastropoda, Enidae) of the Zarafshan Ridge
1,2J.A. Kudratov*, 1,2A. Pazilov
Author’s Affiliation:
1Gulistan State University, Guliston, Uzbekistan.
2Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
*Corresponding author:
J.A. Kudratov
Gulistan State University, Guliston, Uzbekistan.
How to cite this article: Kudratov J.A., Pazilov A. (2022). The Population Variability of the Reproductive Tract of Land Mollusks Pseudonapaeus albiplicatus (Gastropoda, Enidae) of the Zarafshan Ridge. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Zoology, 41A (2), 211-215.