The Possibility of Silicon-Based Life


Year : 2022,
Volume & Issue : BPAS-Chemistry 41C(1), JAN-JUN 2022
Page No. : 52-58,
Article Type : Review Aticle
Article DOI : 10.5958/2320-320X.2022.00007.3 (Received on 05.01.2022 Revised on 29.04.2022 Accepted on 23.05.2022)



Ricardo Gobato1, Alireza Heidari2,*, Abhijit Mitra3,Lauro Figueroa Valverde4
Author’s Affiliation : 1 Green Land Landscaping and Gardening, Seedling Growth Laboratory, 86130-000, Parana, Brazil. 2 Faculty of Chemistry, California South University, 14731 Comet St. Irvine, CA 92604, USA. 3 Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, 35 B.C. Road Kolkata, 700019, India. 4University Autonomous of Campeche (Faculty of Chemical-Biological Sciences), Calle Av. AgustínMelgar s/n, Buenavista, 24039 Campeche, Mexico.

Corresponding Author : Alireza Heidari, Faculty of Chemistry, California South University, 14731 Comet St. Irvine, CA 92604, USA.,;

Silicon is the most obvious potential substitute for carbon, and the Possibility of Silicon-Based Life is the focus of the work. An analysis of the sites of action of four silicon-based exobiological nanomolecules, determined by the distribution of electrical charges around the nanomolecules atoms called: ASi, CSi, GSi and TSi. The Van der Waals radius distribution calculations have been determined via ab initio Hartree-Fock methods, Unrestricted and Restrict (UHF and RHF) in the set of bases used Effective Core Potential (ECP) minimal basis, and CC-pVTZ (Correlation-consistent valence-only basis sets triple-zeta). Polymers can also be assembled as chains of alternating elements such as Si-C, Si-O, and B-N. Alternation with carbon is used to some extent in terran organisms (such as C-C-N in proteins and C-C-C-O-P-O in nucleic acids), and silated compounds play important structural roles in the cells of many organisms on Earth. How to cite this article: Gobato R, HeidariA, Mitra A, Valverd LF. (2022). The Possibility of Silicon-Based Life. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry, 41C (1), 52-58. Keywords Silicon, Astrobiology, Exobiology, Hartree-Fock Methods, Van der Waals, Life