Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Gibb’s Free Energy of Spinning Black Hole in Active Galactic Nuclei

1Dipo Mahto*, 2Rakesh Paswan

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science

Physics, Vol.41D No.2,

July-December 2022 P.86-92

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3218.2022.00016.1

Original Research Article



Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Gibb’s Free Energy of Spinning Black Hole in Active Galactic Nuclei

1Dipo Mahto*, 2Rakesh Paswan

Author’s Affiliations:

1Professor & Head, Dept. of Physics, Bhagalpur College of Engineering under Department of Science and Technology, Patna, Bihar 812001, India.


1Former Head, Department of Physics, Marwari College Bhagalpur, (TMBU, Bhagalpur) Bihar 812007, India.

2Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics, DSM College (Munger University, Munger) Jhajha, Bihar 811308, India.

*Corresponding author:

Dipo Mahto

Professor & Head, Dept. of Physics, Bhagalpur College of Engineering under Department of Science and Technology, Patna, Bihar 812001, India.


How to cite this article: Mahto D, Paswan R. (2022). Internal Energy and Enthalpy of Spinning Black Hole in Active Galactic Nuclei. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Physics, 41D (2), 86-92.

Received on 28.08.2022

Revised on 30.10.2022

Accepted on 26.11.2022

Published on 15.12.2022

The present paper gives a model for the change in the internal energy and enthalpy (Mahto et al., 2016) and reviews it to propose a model for change in Gibb’s free energy of the Reissnner-Nordstrom black hole. This also calculates their values in AGN concluding that the enthalpy and internal energy has the same values and they are just double to that of Gibb’s free energy for the same mass. KEYWORDS: Hawking radiation, Black holes & Super Nova Explosion