Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Gibb’s Free Energy of Spinning Black Hole in Active Galactic Nuclei
1Dipo Mahto*, 2Rakesh Paswan
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science
Physics, Vol.41D No.2,
July-December 2022 P.86-92
DOI: 10.5958/2320-3218.2022.00016.1
Original Research Article
Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Gibb’s Free Energy of Spinning Black Hole in Active Galactic Nuclei
1Dipo Mahto*, 2Rakesh Paswan
Author’s Affiliations:
1Professor & Head, Dept. of Physics, Bhagalpur College of Engineering under Department of Science and Technology, Patna, Bihar 812001, India.
1Former Head, Department of Physics, Marwari College Bhagalpur, (TMBU, Bhagalpur) Bihar 812007, India.
2Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics, DSM College (Munger University, Munger) Jhajha, Bihar 811308, India.
*Corresponding author:
Dipo Mahto
Professor & Head, Dept. of Physics, Bhagalpur College of Engineering under Department of Science and Technology, Patna, Bihar 812001, India.
How to cite this article: Mahto D, Paswan R. (2022). Internal Energy and Enthalpy of Spinning Black Hole in Active Galactic Nuclei. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Physics, 41D (2), 86-92.
Received on 28.08.2022
Revised on 30.10.2022
Accepted on 26.11.2022
Published on 15.12.2022