Watershed Prioritization Based On Morphometry Analysis for Groundwater Potential in Panjhara River Basin, Sakri Taluka, Maharashtra (India)
1Satish More, 2Yogesh Patil, 3Samadhan Patil, 4Mukund Baride, 5Arati Baride, 6Rushikesh Golekar*
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences.
Geology (Geological Science), Vol.41F, No.2,
July-December 2022: P.283-296
DOI: 10.5958/2320-3234.2022.00022.1
Original Article
Watershed Prioritization Based On Morphometry Analysis for Groundwater Potential in Panjhara River Basin, Sakri Taluka, Maharashtra (India)
1Satish More, 2Yogesh Patil, 3Samadhan Patil, 4Mukund Baride, 5Arati Baride, 6Rushikesh Golekar*
Author’s Affiliations:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Department of Geology, Zulal Bhilajirao Patil College, Dhule, Maharashtra 424002, India
6Department of Geology, G. B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Arts and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India
*Corresponding Author: Rushikesh Golekar, Department of Geology, G. B. Tatha Tatyasaheb Khare Commerce, Parvatibai Gurupad Dhere Arts and Shri. Mahesh Janardan Bhosale Science College, Guhagar District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 415703, India
E-mail: rbgolekar@gmail.com
(Received on 05.08.2022, Revised on 15.10.2022, Accepted on 30.11.2022, Published on 15.12.2022)
How to cite this article: More S., Patil Y., Patil S., Baride M., Baride A. and Golekar R. (2022). Watershed Prioritization Based On Morphometry Analysis for Groundwater Potential in Panjhara River Basin, Sakri Taluka, Maharashtra (India). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Geology, 41F(2), 283-296.